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3 record(s) for : (Author(s)=Crosier, David)

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Focus on HE in Europe Eurydice - Full Text
5.98 Mo

Focus on HE in Europe Eurydice
Last accessed : 2010/07/09



EUA Trends V
1.21 Mo

EAU publications
Last accessed : 2010/07/08




The myth of civil society: approaches to societal reconstruction in Southeastern Europe
Titles of Other Versions : Le mythe de la société civile: approaches de la reconstruction de la société dans l'europe du sud-est

Author(s) : Llamazares, Monica; Crosier, David
Corporate Author(s) : UNESCO European Center for Higher Education [CEPES]
Keyword(s) : Educational reform; Human rights education; Civic education; Civil society
Document type : Periodical article

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