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29 record(s) for : (Author(s)=Daniel, John S.)

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Incentives and accountability: instruments of change in higher education
Titles of Other Versions : Incitations et transparence: les instruments du changement dans l'enseignement supérieur

Author(s) : Daniel, John S.
Corporate Author(s) : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD]
Keyword(s) : Educational administration; Governance; Educational policy; Academic staff
Document type : Periodical article




Higher education: past, present, and future: a view from UNESCO
Titles of Other Versions : L'enseignement supérieur: passé, présent et futur: une perspective de l'UNESCO

Author(s) : Daniel, John S.
Corporate Author(s) : UNESCO European Center for Higher Education [CEPES]
Keyword(s) : Educational objectives; Educational history; Educational role
Document type : Periodical article


Scientific communism and the capitalist economy: universities in the era of globalization
Titles of Other Versions : Le Communisme scientifique et l'économie capitaliste: l'université à l'ère de la globalisation

Author(s) : Daniel, John S.
Corporate Author(s) : UNESCO; Université Laval [Canada]
Keyword(s) : Universities; Economics of education; Educational finance; Study abroad; Knowledge; Globalization; Internationalization
Document type : Monograph chapter











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