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12 record(s) for : (Author(s)=Duke, Chris)

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Last accessed : 2014/11/26



Last accessed : 2016/08/08





Changing identity in an ambiguous environment: a work in progress report
Titles of Other Versions : Changer d'identité dans un contexte incertain: un rapport d'avancement

Author(s) : Duke, Chris
Corporate Author(s) : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD]
Keyword(s) : Higher education institutions; Educational management; Diversification of education; Educational policy; Leadership
Document type : Periodical article






Beyond "Delayering": Process, Structure, and Boundaries.
Titles of Other Versions : Au-delà de la "destratification hiérarchique": processus, stucture et frontières

Author(s) : Duke, Chris
Corporate Author(s) : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD]
Keyword(s) : Higher education; Educational administration; Educational management
Document type : Periodical article



Lifelong Learning: Implication for the University of the 21st Century.
Titles of Other Versions : L'apprentissage à vie et ses conséquences sur l'université du XXIe siècle

Author(s) : Duke, Chris
Corporate Author(s) : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD]
Keyword(s) : Lifelong education; Educational reform; Educational trends; Educational administration; Educational planning; Educational role; Lifelong learning; Academic development
Document type : Periodical article




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