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8 record(s) for : (Author(s)=Gibbons, Michael)

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Globalization and the future of higher education
Titles of Other Versions : L'Avenir de l'enseignement supérieur dans un monde globalisé

Author(s) : Gibbons, Michael
Corporate Author(s) : UNESCO; Université Laval [Canada]
Keyword(s) : Universities; Educational trends; Educational reform; Globalization; Research collaboration; Research management; Science policy; Interdisciplinarity; Research; Knowledge management; Internationalization
Document type : Monograph chapter





Higher education relevance in the 21st century
Titles of Other Versions : L'enseignement supérieur au XXIe siècle

Author(s) : Gibbons, Michael
Corporate Author(s) : World Bank
Keyword(s) : Educational trends; Educational policy
Document type : Monograph



Factors affecting the balance between teaching and research in the universities of the twenty-first century
Titles of Other Versions : Facteurs qui influencent l'équilibre entre l'enseignement et la recherche dans les universités du vingt et unième siècle

Author(s) : Gibbons, Michael
Corporate Author(s) : UNESCO European Center for Higher Education [CEPES]
Keyword(s) : Universities; Teaching; Educational policy; Educational reform; Research; Science policy
Document type : Periodical article







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