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12 record(s) for : (Author(s)=Gordon, George)

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Last accessed : 2013/07/29









Managing human resources in higher education: the implications of a diversifying workforce
Titles of Other Versions : La gestion des resources humaines dans l'enseignement supérieur: la diversification des fonctions et ses conséquences

Author(s) : Gordon, George; Whitchurch, Celia
Corporate Author(s) : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD]
Keyword(s) : Universities; Human resources
Document type : Periodical article



University roles and career paths: trends, scenarios and motivational challenges
Titles of Other Versions : Rôles de l'université et profils de carrière: tendances, scénarios et problèmes de motivation

Author(s) : Gordon, George
Corporate Author(s) : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD]
Keyword(s) : Teaching; Academic teaching personnel; Academic staff; Education and employment; Teacher attitudes
Document type : Periodical article



Managing quality assurance in higher education: a Scottish example
Titles of Other Versions : Gestion de l'assurance de la qualité de l'enseignement supérieur: un exemple écossais

Author(s) : Gordon, George
Corporate Author(s) : UNESCO European Center for Higher Education [CEPES]
Keyword(s) : Educational quality; Distance education; Educational evaluation; Quality control
Document type : Periodical article








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