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18 record(s) for : (Author(s)=Maiworm, Friedhelm)

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ERASMUS student mobility: Programmes 1989/90 in the view of their coordinators; select findings of the ICP coordinators' reports 1989/90

Author(s) : Maiworm, Friedhelm; Steube, Wolfgang; Teichler, Ulrich
Corporate Author(s) : Wissenschaftliches Zentrum für Berufs- und Hochschulforschung der Gesamthochschule Kassel [WZGhK][Germany]; Commission des Communautés européennes. Task Force: ressources humaines, éducation, formation, jeunesse
Keyword(s) : Student mobility; Students; University cooperation; Language of instruction; Equivalence between diplomas; International education; Curriculum; Educational evaluation; Educational administration; Regional cooperation; Statistical data; Educational outcomes; Accreditation (education); Student welfare; Student evaluation; Modern languages
Document type : Monograph

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