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21 record(s) for : (Author(s)=Moses, Ingrid)

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The university - a permanent factor in the development and the advancement of society: view from institutions of higher education and academic organizations
Titles of Other Versions : L'université - un facteur permanent dans le développement et le progrès de la société: des perspectives des institutions d'enseignement supérieur et des organisations universitaire

Author(s) : Moses, Ingrid
Corporate Author(s) : UNESCO European Center for Higher Education [CEPES]
Keyword(s) : Higher education institutions; Education and development; Educational role; Educational planning
Document type : Periodical article







Enhancing quality - tensions and tendencies in Australian universities
Titles of Other Versions : Amélioration de la qualité - tensions et tendances dans les universités australiennes

Author(s) : Moses, Ingrid
Corporate Author(s) : UNESCO European Center for Higher Education [CEPES]
Keyword(s) : Educational quality; Higher education institutions; Quality control; Teacher conditions of employment; Academic staff development
Document type : Periodical article








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