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9 record(s) for : (Author(s)=Schomburg, Harald)

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Does the programme matter? Approach and major findings of the Kassel Graduate Survey
Titles of Other Versions : Le programme est-il important? Méthode et principaux résultats du Rapport Kassel sur les Diplômés

Author(s) : Schomburg, Harald; Teichler, Ulrich
Corporate Author(s) : UNESCO European Center for Higher Education [CEPES]
Keyword(s) : Education and employment; Diversification of education; Technical and vocational education
Document type : Periodical article


Does the programme matter? approach and major findings of the "Kassel graduate survey"
Titles of Other Versions : Le programme est-il important? méthode et principaux résultats du Rapport Kassel sur les diplômés

Author(s) : Schomburg, Harald; Teichler, Ulrich
Corporate Author(s) : UNESCO European Center for Higher Education [CEPES]
Keyword(s) : Education and employment; Curriculum; Higher education institutions
Document type : Periodical article





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