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4 record(s) for : (Author(s)=Siemienska, Renata)

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Women in academe in Poland: winners among losers
Titles of Other Versions : Les femmes dans le monde universitaire en Pologne: des gagnants parmi les perdants

Author(s) : Siemienska, Renata
Corporate Author(s) : UNESCO European Center for Higher Education [CEPES]
Keyword(s) : Women academic staff; Gender equity; Universal education; Access to education
Document type : Periodical article



Academic careers in Poland: does gender make a difference?
Titles of Other Versions : Les carrières universitaires en Pologne: est-ce le sexe une source de discrimination?

Author(s) : Siemienska, Renata
Corporate Author(s) : UNESCO European Center for Higher Education [CEPES]
Keyword(s) : Women students; Academic staff; Academic teaching personnel; Universal education; Access to education; Gender equity; Statistical data
Document type : Periodical article

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