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7 record(s) for : (Author(s)=Smyth, John)

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World education report, 2000: The right to education; towards education for all throughout life
Titles of Other Versions : Rapport mondial sur l'éducation, 2000: Le droit à l'éducation, vers l'éducation pour tous, tout au long de la vie; Informe sobre la educación en el mundo, 2000: El derecho a la educación: hacia una educación para todos a lo largo de la vida; Rapporto mondiale sull'educazione, 2000: Il diritto all'educazione: la formazione per tutti lungo il corso della vita

Author(s) : Smyth, John
Corporate Author(s) : UNESCO
Keyword(s) : Access to education; Lifelong education; Basic education; Educational indicators; Lifelong learning; Universal education
Document type : Monograph



World education report, 1998: teachers and teaching in a changing world
Titles of Other Versions : Rapport mondial sur l'éducation, 1998: les enseignants et l'enseignement dans un monde en mutation

Author(s) : Smyth, John
Corporate Author(s) : UNESCO
Keyword(s) : Teaching; Academic staff
Document type : Monograph








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