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9 record(s) for : (Corporate Author(s)=Association des universités européennes [CRE])

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Restructuring the university: new technologies for teaching and learning; guidance to universities on strategy
Titles of Other Versions : Restructurer l'université: les nouvelles technologies dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage; pistes stratégique pour l'université; Reestruturar a universidade: novas tecnologias no ensino e na aprendizagem

Corporate Author(s) : Association of European Universities [CRE][Switzerland]; Association des universités européennes [CRE]
Keyword(s) : Teaching; Learning; Information and communication technologies (ICT)
Document type : Monograph



Vision 20-10: European university leaders' perspectives on the future
Titles of Other Versions : Vision 20-10: comment les dirigeants des universités européennes envisagent-ils l'avenir?

Author(s) : Wächter, Bernd (Ed.)
Corporate Author(s) : Association of European Universities [CRE][Switzerland]; Association des universités européennes [CRE]
Keyword(s) : Educational forecasting; Strategic planning; Educational planning; Educational role
Document type : Monograph




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