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9 record(s) for : (Corporate Author(s)=College and University Personnel Association [USA])

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Salary Trend Studies of Faculty for the Years 1986-87 and 1989-90 in the Following Disciplines/Major Fields: Accounting; Business Administration and Management; Business and Management; Chemistry; Communication Technologies; Communications; Computer and Information Science; Curriculum and Instruction; Dramatic Arts; Drawing; and Education.

Author(s) : Howe, Richard D.
Corporate Author(s) : Appalachian State University [USA]; College and University Personnel Association [USA]
Keyword(s) : Chemistry education; Drama education; Educational administration; Educational quality; Academic staff; Teacher conditions of employment; Educational trends; Academic teaching personnel; Business education; Communication; Information and communication technologies (ICT); Research methods; Computer science education; Art education; Information science; Private education; Public education
Document type : Monograph

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