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14 record(s) for : (Corporate Author(s)=International Labor Office [ILO])

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Last accessed : 2011/01/14

French version
Last accessed : 2011/01/14


Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of experts on the application of the recommendations concerning teaching personnel: report
Titles of Other Versions : Comité conjoint OIT/UNESCO d'experts sur l'application des recommandations concernant le personnel enseignant: rapport; Comité Mixto OIT/UNESCO de Expertos sobre la Aplicación de las Recomendaciones relativas al Personal Docente: informe

Corporate Author(s) : International Labor Office [ILO]; UNESCO
Keyword(s) : Teacher conditions of employment; Academic teaching personnel; Academic staff; Teacher education; Teacher trade unions; Academic freedom; Higher education; Private education
Document type : Monograph


















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