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30 record(s) for : (Keyword(s)=Learned societies)

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Constructing advantage in the knowledge society roles of universities reconsidered: the case of Japan
Titles of Other Versions : Construire l'avantage dans la société du savoir Une nouvelle conception du rôle des universités: l'exemple japonais

Author(s) : Kitagawa, Fumi
Corporate Author(s) : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD]
Keyword(s) : Educational role; Learned societies
Document type : Periodical article


Innovation in the Netherlands: toward guidelines for knowledge transfer
Titles of Other Versions : L'innovation aux Pays-Bas: à la recherche de lignes directrices pour le transfert de connaissances

Author(s) : Stiekema, Esther I.
Corporate Author(s) : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD]
Keyword(s) : Universities; Learned societies; Innovation; Industry and higher education
Document type : Periodical article


Institutional management and engagement with the knowledge society
Titles of Other Versions : Gestion institutionnelle et implication dans la société du savoir

Author(s) : Goddard, John
Corporate Author(s) : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD]
Keyword(s) : Higher education institutions; Educational management; Social responsibility; Educational role; Knowledge; Learned societies
Document type : Periodical article






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