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8 record(s) for : (Keyword(s)=Mobile phones)

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Last accessed : 2014/06/16


Last accessed : 2014/06/16


28.14 Mo


1.73 Mo

1.71 Mo


The elearning Africa report 2013
Titles of Other Versions : Le rapport elearning Africa 2013

Author(s) : Isaacs, S. (Ed.)
Keyword(s) : Electronic learning; Open educational resources; Mobile phones; Information and communication technologies (ICT); MOOCs
Document type : Monograph


Last accessed : 2013/05/27

Last accessed : 2014/01/14

UNESCO policy guidelines for mobile learning
Titles of Other Versions : Principes directeurs pour l'apprentissage mobile

Corporate Author(s) : UNESCO
Keyword(s) : Mobile phones; Electronic media; Learning; Information and communication technologies (ICT)
Document type : Monograph




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